Some topics are so important that discussing them with friends over a meal is the best way to understand and implement the learning. Come discover a vibrant Christian community on Saturday nights with your neighbors.

Dinner is at 6pm. Discovery begins at 6:30. Discussion happens throughout.

Our first Saturday is February 8, 2025!


It all started…

During the pandemic, our small group met regularly, shared a meal, engaged in meaningful discussions centered around biblical teachings, prayed together, and authentically worshiped Jesus in spirit and truth. During that season, we saw God working and He brought about tremendous growth, both individually and as a group. The experience was so incredibly powerful that when the pandemic eventually ended, we had a strong sense that our small group exemplified what the “church” of the 21st century was destined to become. Soon, Two Forty-Two was born. Our unique name stems from the book of Acts, where in Acts 2:42 it says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” These four elements perfectly describe what we envision for the Two Forty-Two community. We gather together, grow in our understanding and knowledge of God, encourage one another, and give of ourselves generously in love and service.

We are launching our dinner church by walking through a favorite community building series entitled “ALPHA.” It’s the definitive outline of the core principles of the Christian faith that all denominations agree on. ALPHA teaches that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. By focusing on the fundamentals of Christianity in this way, we can engage in discussions and be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


242 Leaders

Juan Inglis was raised as a missionary kid in South America but later made his home in the Chicagoland area as an adult. He met Suzie, who hails from California, while she was serving as a missionary in Costa Rica. The couple married in 2010 and now has two wonderful sons. Over the years, Juan and Suzie have remained actively involved in ministry and are eager help others connect, grow and become local missionaries in the places they live, work and play.

Joe and Heather Natal have lived in the Chicago area for most of their lives. They met through a mutual friend in 2003 and discovered they had many similarities – raised Catholic, grandparents with 20-acre farms (and 1953 Ford Jubilee tractors), and birthdays just two days apart. They got married in 2006 and now have an incredible, helpful son. Through their journey, their relationship with God grew and evolved to a stronger Christian faith. Joe has been a program leader for several outreach ministries while Heather leads hospitality teams. They are passionate about supporting people’s journey to find and follow Jesus.