“Covid killed the Sunday church?” It’s a question plenty of Sunday Church people might be asking in the days and months to come. The Sunday centered Church has been ailing for some time. It has been failing to heed the warnings from ministry doctors and resisted taking its prescribed medicine for years. Its resistance stems from a flawed understanding of what Jesus meant by “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” An understanding that the current form need never change. A thought process that has led it to regularly over-indulge. It has become bloated on the fattening government cheese of its tax exempt status while eating the desert of a cultural status and influence gained through historical acts of compassion. The autopsy will be clear. While CoVid contributed to the death, the patient’s pre-existing conditions were its ultimate demise.
So what are we to do now?
We are to brace for impact and collaborate. The best prophecy of the future of the ‘Church’ may come from retail. Like the Sunday ‘Church’, the mall stores have continued to see declining attendance, building issues and dwindling resources. The very same questions every major brick and mortar retail establishment are wrestling with are now at the doorstep of the Sunday centered ‘Church.’ The CoVid pandemic is forcing the leaders of the ‘Church” to assess what was and begin to accept the truth that only those willing to exercise a missional mindset have dared to utter:
The western Sunday centric ‘Church’ must radically transform to meet the social and technological changes taking place.
Technology has been ushering in a new era in our society for some time. The post CoVid Church that seeks to survive must be more willing than ever before to embrace change.
The post CoVid Church will be need to be more:
Centered - in the overarching metanarrative of Jesus. All those who claim the King as Lord and Savior will need to know His story, be able to articulate it and understand why it is the only one that makes sense.
Flexible - delivering the message anywhere on demand in culturally acceptable ways. Geography, language and resources will soon cease to be barriers in an internet connected world.
Relational - connecting more authentically and in more meaningful ways. This will be the largest challenge. The first wave of connection will be the home and the neighborhood. The second will come in mobilization of the ‘Church’ to be more than an experience but a lifestyle.
Focused - on transformation of individuals, the community and the world. Technology will allow access to multitudes of information so that the Church can provide:
An abundance of information specifically directed to a person’s interest or maturity
Better communication to more regularly inspire people
Better data regarding personal preferences and areas of interest
Efficient - in reaching and engaging humanity with the highest quality teaching for the lowest investment. Networks of like-minded groups will share the best content so those called to lead will be able to do more than ever before.
Lean - the ‘Church’ will eliminate redundancy of employees, buildings, ministries and bureaucracies in favor of funding development of tools that facilitate growth of the kingdom.
Visible - the ‘Church’ will need to not only recognize the new front door but act in ways inwhich its voice rises above the deluge of media. Practically this means embedded HTML linking of web pages, search engine optimization, backlinks from other sources, collaborative partners as well as creative uses of other social media platforms.
Imagine the ‘Church’
Agreeing on the ‘core’ idea of the faith (The ecclessial minimum) and accepting any differences on the areas outside those boundaries as blossoms on the Christian tree.
Not bound by geography or walls or stringent demands. Imagine the ‘Church” leaving the building and never physically returning. Imagine the change the world would experience if the ‘Church’ went to where the people are.
authentically connecting everyone, everyday and in every way to Jesus. How many different ways could the Kingdom grow?
Providing solid answers to the doubters, skeptics and seekers. Imagine sharing the greatest answers to the most asked questions.
Offering the greatest teachers on a regular basis to all those connected so all gatherings will be given the most inspiring and thought provoking content.
Never having to do a capital campaign for an outdated building, court a giver for a community needs program or be cajoled to donate to programs your heart is not called to.
Being seen as the people who love more than most, offer hope to downtrodden, share joy with hurting and free the imprisoned.
The transformation has begun. It’s an exciting time to be a part of the body of the Christ we call, ‘The Church.’ Come and see the new the new thing He is doing.