Greeting! A lot has been going on here at THE CENTER and I wanted to take some time to share what’s probably been on everyone’s mind. Let’s talk about regathering for ministry and worship! Our outdoor services have been a success in terms of their attendance, safety and reach. Our friends and neighbors are listening on their porches and online. I am excited to announce our “live” (online) Sunday morning services reach another 2000 people and almost 200 people watch the entire message. It’s simply incredible what the Lord is doing with our little outpost. We are serving more than ever on Sunday and during the week. Our recovery meetings (which were initially our only coracle functioning in person) have grown throughout the pandemic. Other coracles have slowly re-opened and others have continued to operate via alternative technology (zoom/streaming). Through the Food Pantry/Stained Glass window project/Mother’s Day outreach we have continued to be ‘on mission’. The Center is alive with activity despite the current challenges. Our hearts to serve have sparked new and creative ways/opportunities to serve our neighbors!
The APEST Vision Board is currently considering when would be best to gather inside. While we have been hosting smaller groups (Forge training, Meditation, AA/SMART Recovery), our Sunday gatherings require more planning. We will be continuing outdoors for a little while longer (weather permitting). However, it is important to inform you of all the steps we have already been taking to ensure safety to ALL to protect those coming and going the Center::
Requires face coverings and social distancing for anyone entering the facility
Provide gloves,masks, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies at the entrances and exits
Provide cleaning materials and hand sanitizers in every room
Posting of signs for visual reminders as well as COVID 19 education and awareness
Strategically spaces the tables and chairs to follow guidelines for social distancing
Request the disinfecting of tables and chairs after every use (signage and supplies provided)
Cleans the entire facility on Monday and Friday
Fumigates/disinfects the entire facility on Sunday and Thursday evenings as well as after special inside events (Weddings and Funerals)
As we consider moving inside, I’d like to introduce you to the plan and encourage your support. You will receive more detailed explanations in our next correspondence.
First, our plan is based on a solid biblical principal, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” (Romans 13:1) We’re seeking to protect the physical and mental health and meet the spiritual needs of our group which is very diverse in both age and stage of family life. I have no doubt some will find this plan ‘too cautious’, some ‘not cautious enough’, and others ‘just about right’. As you consider your own reaction to the plan, please keep in mind it is guided by a deep concern for the well-being of the whole body of Christ.
Second, our plan is based on three constants from public health experts for people sharing space together: wash your hands, wear a mask, and maintain social distance. We will be adhering to all three. I can assure you that many have put a great deal of prayer, thought, consideration, research, and resources into this process of continuing ‘mission’. This includes use of: UMC/Wheaton ‘Preparing your Church for COVID 19, CDC guidelines, Restore IL guidelines,and input from APEST leadership and Health Team.
Finally, our plan has been phased based on the advice of health experts and those working directly on the challenge of regathering churches during the Covid-19 pandemic. I want to thank the health team for their diligence in researching, drafting and initiating a comprehensive plan. I, along with many others have been praying for wisdom, discernment and direction with each step we take. I invite you to join me in prayer for The CENTER, as well as, our town/city/state/country/world. Lastly, I am asking for grace for one another as we navigate through this ‘new normal’. We will get through this together.
Great to be on mission with you!