The Center 2021 - Growing in a Pandemic
““The pandemic, while horrendous, has brought the power of family and community to the forefront of what is most important.””
Important happenings around the missional community in 2021 include:
We grew our partnerships and coracles to 17
Renew continued with two sessions (Spring - Love Your Neighbor, Fall - Let it Go)
Forge Chicago stayed active offering a summer session and a weekly podcast
New Worship People were raised
New visitors came (over 40 people have come in 2021)
We have hosted 8 Christian weddings this year in Itasca
We became a two site church by adding the Wood Dale Center
We added daily recovery meetings and now have recovery meetings every day
Held a “Serve Sunday” in multiple locations (Wood Dale, Bensenville, Itasca)
Food for the Soul incorporated the Wood Dale Food Pantry expanding to over 80 families
Our volunteers serve at The Itasca and Wood Dale food pantry weekly
We again supported the Overdose Awareness evening in August
We served the community through The Center Cup in October
We leveled the area near the garage
We added a brick walkway from the parking lot to the education wing
We paved the Itasca parking lot in November
Added two more partnerships (Heartland Church and SA)
Upgraded our weekly online streaming with new computer and new cameras
Offered an entire summer of outdoor worship in various locales
Provided resources to pastor’s families in South Asia
Provided resources to people in Haiti
We live the vision: “Connect everyone, everyday and in every way to Jesus.” Come join us as we run into 2022 with hope of even more blessings from our God who has made all things possible and who we give all praise for 2021.
The Center (Itasca and Wood Dale) is composed of:
Global Hope Partners (South Asia)
Heartland Church (Wood Dale)
Impact For Jesus (Haiti and SBB)
Living Truth Church (Florida)
MJL Ballet (Itasca)
Positive Intentions (Bensenville)
The Gathering Homeschool (Itasca)
Anonymous Meetings (Five distinct groups - Weekday, Sun pm, Wed. am/pm, Sat am)
Christian Recovery (Biblical recovery)
Food For The Soul (Food distribution and pantry)
Forge Chicago (Leadership Development)
Mending Nets (Yoga and Meditation)
RENEW (Community Meal)
Smart Recovery (Families and Recovering)
Sundays @ 11(Itasca)
The Center Cup (Coffee connection)
The Center Weddings (Weddings / Other Space Share)