Have you ever thought about idea of local versus national? Is it a quality issue? A price issue? A familiarity issue? A taste issue?
Read More….The general consensus is the ‘Church’ will be different in the future. The pessimists and the optimists both used the term ‘missional’ to explain a program or a future possibility. One presenter went so far as to suggest we are post-missional because the missional program has proven it will never fill our churches (read buildings).
Read MoreFear and Faith do not exist in the same space
Have you ever been so overcome you spent the day on the verge of tears and shouting praises? This is the only way I can explain yesterday as I witnessed the best of humanity. People helping people with no hidden agendas. Just love. There was no judgement. Just Love. No ‘should have.’ Just Love. No ‘if only.’ Just love. No Politics. Just love. No social media. Just love for one another.
Read More“ …We believe God is calling us to bring hope to places without hope. He has called us to answer the cries for help. Just like the Magi coming across the desert to bring gifts to the King of Kings, we will be partnering to bring joy and hope to places that rarely have either. …“
Read More“What does it mean to sing the Blues in church? Why would they hold a concert on the Wednesday Eve before Thanksgiving? What good could come from a night like this? …”
Read MoreChrist continues to be on the move at “The Center” in Itasca. We will not step back but continually move forward in His name.
Read MoreLast Sunday, the team at “The Center” decided to leave the safety of our Sunday morning routine to knock on our neighbors door and invite them to give to the local food pantry. The idea was simple. We created a scavenger hunt for different products the food pantry needs. We go out into the neighborhood, knock on our neighbors doors and ask for their help in finding the items on the list. Each team would receive points for their efforts and bonus points for asking 2-3 basic questions. After the initial briefing,
Read More"....The proof of their interest will be seen as they begin to initiate more meaningful conversations about their life. They'll ask you more about your life. They'll invite you deeper into their lives, the lives of their children, and you'll be invited to enter the world of their friends. These are all evidence that God is on the move in their hearts."
-Hugh Halter explaining the "Sojourner" confessing interest, not belief.
From the book "Tangible Kingdom" pg 95
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