“We are never more alive than the first time we realize we have been UNIQUELY made to be on mission with the one who creates, redeems and sustains us all.”
Rev. Robert Butler (Friend, Guide, Coach, Author, Missionary, Director)
Rev. Robert “Bob” Butler is a third career pastor with a entrepreneurial heart. He graduated from Chicago’s Northern Seminary with a Masters in Divinity. He has been part of large, small and multi-site churches. Bob is a new ministry pioneer and a church planter. He currently resides in Chicagoland, leads a RENEW Missional expression and a missionary outpost called the ‘The Center.’ He is also a domestic missionary trainer, consultant author and residency coach. Bob’s passion is to see the rule and reign of Jesus come to fruition on earth as is it heaven.
‘Desperation breeds innovation’
Bob’s book reveals his passion to equip the called with a DIY manual. It was designed as a practical outline for those individuals who are done with religion, undone by life and those seeking more than what the current culture offers. The manual provides a simple guideline for gathering, worship and learning which focus on renewing two core relationships - with God and with others.
You can purchase the book at Amazon Books, Christian Booksellers and any Sunday at The Center.