
Living with Christian Principles

begin when your ready to take off the glasses and see the real light at the end of the tunnel.


If you’re tired…

If you’re tired of searching to fill the whole in your soul with a person, substance or activity than this meeting is for you. The meeting recognizes the twelve core principles of a Christian life that are the basis for all recovery.

The group meets on Thursdays at 7pm. Enter through Door #1. Head up the stairs to the fireside room

  • The meeting opens with prayer.

  • The reading of the Principles is next

  • The leader announces the principle to be focused on.

  • The group is given bible references or reading to review for the principle to be discussed.

  • The scripture is read and reviewed from the Bible (we have some or bring your own).

  • Discussion ensues.

The meeting lasts one hour to an hour and a half. It usually a small group. Come join the discussion. All who are wanting a little more are welcome.


HONESTY – Fairness & straight forwardness of conduct: adherence to fact.

HOPE – To expect with desire; something on which hopes are centered.

FAITH – Complete confidence; belief and trust.

COURAGE – Firmness of mind and will in the face of extreme difficulty; mental or moral strength to withstand fear.

INTEGRITY – The quality or state of being complete or undivided; soundness.

WILLINGNESS – Prompt to act or respond; accepted and done of choice or without reluctance.

HUMILITY – Not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive; a clear and concise understanding of what we are, followed by a sincere desire to become what we can be.

LOVE – Unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his good to hold dear.

DISCIPLINE – Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; to bring under control; to train or develop by instruction.

PATIENCE/PERSEVERANCE – Steadfast despite opposition or adversity; able or willing to bear; to persist in an understanding in spite of counter influences.

AWARENESS – Alive and alert; vigilance in observing.

SERVICE – A helpful act; contribution to the welfare of others; useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity.