Come Join Us


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Where: The Center, 400 N. Walnut St. Itasca, IL

When: We meet every Monday from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Dinner/Childcare provided beginning September 2022

Questions: 630.806.9936

What is RENEW?

It’s a group who gathers together to renew their lives through a relationship with God and one another.

Renew aims to rejuvenate relationships through authentic gatherings where a person experiences God’s unconditional love, grace, mercy and fellowship, in and through study of the scriptures as well as the advocating of consistent redeeming service.

How is RENEW different than a Bible study?

RENEW looks to redeem and restore one’s life through relationships which provide authentic experience, education and kindness. We are attempting to recover from a life without true meaning and move toward one with eternal significance. We aim to become geneuine followers of Jesus by connecting to His work on the cross, praising Him for it, learning more about Him and being His body in serving the world.

What Happens at RENEW?

RENEW’s primary vehicle for creating significant relationships come in weekly gatherings. We envision these gathering to take place both during the day as well as the evening. 

The basic outline of a RENEW gathering is as follows:

  • Pre - Gathering: ½ hour with dinner, musical backdrop and unique and fun conversation igniters

  • Gathering Experience: ¾ of an hour beginning with 2-4 exceptional live musical offerings (Variety is the norm from instruments to the genre of music), a thought provoking teaching on a relevant topic, time of reflection and dismissal to small group discussions.

  • Small Group Break-outs: Deep Dive study group, Men's and Woman's groups and in the future even more specific support (mental illness, abuse, veterans, prison, etc.) and even season of life groups (EXAMPLE in the Multi-Media area)

  • Post - Gathering: ½ to an hour of reconvening for those wish more interaction

Rev. Bob Butler

Renew presentations are fluid and flexible. We strive to present the topic to encourage discussion. We believe we learn more when we are challenged to discuss and support our understanding of God, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Enjoy!




Bob is a third career visionary. He enjoys authentically connecting with people, sharing his experience, strength and hope. Bob graduated from Northern Seminary with an MDIV in 2006. Shortly, thereafter he was ordained by the United Methodist Church. He has a passion for recovery, families, local/international missions and those far from God. For More Info…


Childcare Rotation Leader/Recovery Break-out Co-Leader / Women’s Breakout Leader (Itasca)

Diane is bi-vocational. She is a special education teacher (Dist. 365U) and co-leads our Recovery break-out group. She also has been instrumental in coordinating dinners, establishing our childcare area to ensure the time with the children is age-appropriate, safe, relational and fun experience. 

She is part of Renew for two reasons: First, to help others build their relationship with Jesus Christ Second, to help others build authentic relationships with others.   


Connections Leaders

Frank and Maria are quick with a laugh and prayer. They come to Renew with hopes of helping others. Their compassionate hearts are always on display for those willing to open up and authentically share. They can’t wait to meet you!




Much has been discussed and written about concerning the missional-incarnational movement in recent years. While many agree on the orthodoxy of this movement, only a few seem to take the practice of this movement serious. Renew: A missional movement for the “none, done and undone” serves as a missional-incarnational primer highlighting the practices of living with a missional purpose. This is a practical handbook for anyone wanting to alert their neighborhood or community to the rule and reign of God.” —Terry Ishee, Director of Online Residency and Hub Programs for Forge America


“The world is desperate for deep people who admit, commit, submit and practice the principles of Jesus. Bob Butler does. Bob really knows Jesus, and you can too. The question is not “What if I die tonight?” The question on most of our minds is “What am I going to do about tomorrow?” We need a way to live fully into Christ-likeness. Bob has given us a helpful practical guide to grow deeper in our faith. I am thankful for it!” —Rev. Dr. Mark Foster, Founding and Sr. Pastor of Acts 2 Church Church Planting Coach, Edmond, Oklahoma

Rev. Butler is available for coaching, mentoring, preaching and public speaking. In addition to RENEW, Robert leads a new Forge Residency group at the Center in Itasca, Illinois.. Please contact him directly at


 Give to the Movement

The ministry operates under the non-profit umbrella of Impact for Jesus (a recognized 501c3 organization) which means all gifts are tax-deductible. The ministry will operate on the generosity of its participants, the organizations who provide facilities and third party donations. 

If you would like to support the mission, Please make a donation by clicking below or sending a check to:

The Center, 400 North Walnut, Itasca, Illinois 60143 Memo: RENEW

Donate to RENEW